4 Corners

Concepts covered: Probability (also links to fractions/decimals/percentages when played with older students)

Equipment: Deck of cards, paper and pens

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Where are you going to stand now?  Why?”; “What’s the chance of getting a heart/spade etc.?”

Shout-out to Rob Vingerhoets for teaching me this game.


7 Days

Concepts covered: Measurement (time)

Equipment: Set of days of the week cards (one more set than the number of players, i.e. 2 player game needs 3 sets)

Good questions to ask while playing:  “What card are you hoping to pick up?”; “What day comes before/after Monday?”

“Why did you decide to get rid of that card/keep that card etc.?”; “What would you do differently next time you played?”

Shout-out to Carmel Delahunty for creating this game. 


100 or Bust

Concepts covered: Probability, addition

Equipment: Six-sided dice, paper and pens

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you decide to use that roll for a ten/one?”;  “What are you hoping to get on the next roll? Why?”;  “What is the chance of rolling a 2?”;  “What would you do differently next time you play?” 


Barrier Game- 2D Shapes

Concepts covered: Location, transformation, two-dimensional shapes

Equipment: Hardcover book, paper and pens

Good questions to ask while playing: “What words do you think will be helpful for this activity?”  (This is a great question to ask prior to playing.); “Can you say that again another way?”; '“What would you do differently next time you played?”


Greedy Pig

Concepts covered: Probability, addition

Equipment: Six-sided dice, paper and pens

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you decide to stop when you did?/ Why did you decide to keep going?”; “Do the numbers you roll influence your decision on when to stop or not?  Explain why/why not.”; “What is the chance of rolling a 2?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?” 


Home Sweet Home

Concepts covered: Probability, addition

Equipment: Deck of cards, paper and pens, 100s chart, counters/tokens

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you decide to put your home there?”; “Do the number of kings left in the deck influence your decision on where to place your house?  Explain why/why not.”; “What would you do differently next time you play?” 

Shout-out to Toby and James Russo for creating this game.



Concepts covered: Logical reasoning, odd/even numbers, spatial awareness, counting

Equipment: Paper, pens

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you decide to place your tile there?”;  “What other options were you considering?”;  “What would you do differently next time you played?”

Shout-out to Walter Joris for creating this game.


The In-Between Game

Concepts covered: Probability, ordering numbers

Equipment: Deck of cards, counters (20 per player)

Good questions to ask while playing:  “How many chances have you got of getting a card in-between __ and __?  How many chances have you got of not getting a card in between?”; “Can you describe your chance of getting an in-between card?  Why?”; “Why did you choose to play __ counters?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?” 


Last Dino Standing

Concepts covered: Logical reasoning, geometry

Equipment: 12 counters/tokens, paper, pen

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you decide to make that jump?”;  “How many different jumps can you make on this move?”;  '“What would you do differently next time you played?”


Lego Barrier Game

Concepts covered: Location and transformation

Equipment: Matching set of Lego blocks (i.e. whatever blocks one player has, the other player needs an identical set), hardcover book (or anything else that can be a barrier)

Good questions to ask while playing:  “What words do you think will be helpful for this activity?”  (This is a great question to ask prior to playing.); “Can you say that again another way?”; '“What would you do differently next time you played?”


The Mouse, The Cat & The Cheese

Concepts covered: Probability, addition

Equipment: Six-sided dice, 100s chart, paper and pens, counters

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you decide to put the cheese on ___?”; “What is the chance of rolling a 2?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?” 

Shout-out to James Russo for creating this game. 


Traffic Light Os & Xs

Concepts covered: Logical reasoning

Equipment: 9 x red counters, 9 x orange counters, 9 x green counters, paper and pens

Good questions to ask while playing:  “Why did you put that counter there?”; “Is there anywhere else you can place a _____ counter?”; '“What would you do differently next time you played?”